
What Is A The Texas Registered Agents

A. Read the text and exercise the exercises later it

Ownership a House

In that location are two types of organizations which are central to the ownership of houses and flats.

The first is the estate amanuensis. An estate agency is, substantially, a store which arranges for the sale of homes.

Allow us imagine that Mr. and Mrs Smith want to sell their house. First, they ask ane or more local estate agents to visit the house and tell then how much the amanuensis will charge for his services (usually between 1% and two% of the selling price). If the Smiths are happy with his proposals, the amanuensis will publish details of the house in the form of giveaway leaflets and possibly in the local or fifty-fifty national newspapers. The leaflet will draw the firm in particular, describing the position, number and sizes of its rooms, the garden and soon.

Mr. and Mrs Smith and then wait for prospective buyers to get in.

Imagine that Mr. and Mrs Johnson desire to buy a house in the same expanse. They go to the manor bureau and inspect the details of the houses on offering. If they are attracted past the clarification of the Smiths� house, they will visit the property to look at it. If they are nonetheless interested after seeing the business firm they may make an offer to the Smiths via the estate agent. Often the offer will be slightly less than the official �asking� price. If the Smiths agree, the firm tin be sold.

But the Johnsons probably practise non have enough money to pay for the house immediately, so what practise they do? They go to the 2d type of institution involved in house buying and selling � the building order.

A building club�s main function is to lend people like the Johnsons enough money to buy a house. Banks besides offer a similar service.

Edifice societies make their money by borrowing money from some members of the public � their �depositors� � and lending it to others. Many British people have edifice social club savings accounts. They save their money with a building society, which pays them involvement. The society then lends this money to people who want to buy a house or flat and charges them a higher involvement charge per unit on the amount borrowed. This long-term loan is called a �mortgage�.

So Mr. and Mrs. Johnson go to a local building society where they volition be asked a number of questions � what blazon of jobs do they accept? How much practise they earn? What are their monthly expenses? And and then on. The society volition too inspect the house to see if information technology is worth the money they are being asked to lend. All beingness well, it will offering to lend the Johnsons upwardly to about 90 per cent of the price of the business firm, to be paid back with interest over 25 years, or sometimes less. When all is agreed and the papers signed, the money is paid to the Smiths or to their legal representative � ordinarily a solicitor � and the Johnsons can motion in.

Over the 25 years, the Johnsons, because of the interest on the loan, will pay far more than the original price of the business firm � just since they are paying it in adequately small sums once a month they are, at to the lowest degree, able to afford it.

Tasks to the Text

Task one. Brand up questions to which the following sentences might be the answers:

i. Usually an estate agent charges between ane% � 2% of the selling toll of the holding for his services.

ii. The ad (ad) will depict the house in detail, describing the position, number and sizes of its rooms, the garden and then on.

iii. And so Mr. and Mrs. Smith will wait for prospective buyers to go far.

4. If the Johnsons are attracted by the d4escription of the Smiths� house, they will visit the property to look at it.

5. The offer will be slightly less than the official request toll.

6. Many British people save their coin with a building gild, which pays them interest.

7. The society will inspect the house to run across if it is worth the coin they are being asked to lend.

8. Johnson can move in when the papers are signed and the money is paid to the Smiths or their solicitor.

9. Over the 25 years, the Johnsons, because of the interest on the loan, will pay far more than the original price of the firm.

10. They tin beget to buy a house considering they pay the money back in fairly small sums once a month.

Job 2. Match the words and phrases in cavalcade A with those in column B.

to share an apartment with a mate ��������� �� ������� ������������
bed and breakfast (B&B) ������� ����� � ��������������� ��������
a mortgage ����������� � ������ �� ��������
to be behind with one�southward �������������� ����� �� ��������
an annual rent ������������� ��������
a existent estate bureau ������, ���������� ��� ������� ������������
the house is for sale ������� ����� �� ��������
downpayment ������� �������� ���������
to afford to purchase smth ��������� ���� ������ ���-����
a furnished room ��� ���������

Task iii. Imagine you lot have plenty money to buy a house. Say what formalities y'all will take to go through with a real estate bureau in your country. What house would you adopt?


A. Read the post-obit advertisements virtually selling houses. Choose a business firm for yourself. Justify your choice.



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